Q&A – Yoga with Amy

1. Do you have a go to morning routine that sets you up for the day?

So recently, I have been looking into fasting and its benefits, so I usually wake and I will have celery juice and a coffee to prepare myself for the day but before I allow myself to be consumed into social media, emails, commuting to work and other daily tasks which can become stressful  I like to take five minutes or so just to allow myself to either sit or lie in bed and maybe set a little intention or positive affirmation to set me up for the day.

2. What is your favourite mood boosting activity?

This summer I started to take little dips into water, with the Lake District having the most beautiful spots and lakes to swim in, it has now become something I try to do at least once a week. I just take a towel and head to one of my favourite places and get into the water, I don’t always swim but I make sure that I submerge my heart and the instant mood boost I get is unexplainable. It is the most amazing feeling, with so many benefits & if I can fit a swim into a long walk up the fells as well, that is even better. Just being outside is great for us.

3. What is your advice on being comfortable in your own skin?

For years I hated my body, I spent my time growing up constantly on diet programmes, yo-yo dieting, loosing and gaining weight and I would be really negative towards myself. It wasn’t until I found yoga when I began to realise there is more to life than worrying about what you look like, the fact we are alive is the biggest gift we have. We are unique, no one is you and that really is a beautiful thing. So I would say stop comparing yourself to others, live each day as it comes and if you have social media then fill your feeds with people that will bring positivity into your life, not people selling detox teas and cosmetic products! You are already beautiful!

4. What is one thing you would tell your younger self?

Life is a gift and also a journey, try to live in the moment. Do what makes you happy because not everyone in your life will stay and not everyone will like you and that is okay. Never have regrets, time isn’t wasted, we are learning and it is a part of our story. Don’t worry about the future, follow your heart no matter how crazy you sound. You can be anything you want to be.

5. What’s your best experience to date?

Last year I decided to head off to India on my first solo trip to complete my Ashtanga vinyasa teacher training at Sampoorna yoga school. I think this was a big turning point in my life, learning how to truly be alone with myself, understanding how the world works whilst going through an intensive, physical and mental yoga programme. This gave me confidence to now be able to travel alone, which gave me so much freedom, you are able to meet so many incredible people whilst making memories to last a lifetime. I would really recommend taking the jump and heading off to the place you’ve always wanted to visit, you will learn lots about both yourself and life.

6. What’s your top tip for a good nights sleep?

I have always enjoyed getting into bed quite early, I like to give myself time to unwind and come down from my day, maybe reading a book with a cup of tea and a little sweet treat after a bath (I like to put a few drops of lavender essential oils into the water, you won’t regret it)! & of course, my favourite fresh bed linen, some cosy socks and maybe a spritz of some sleep spray onto the pillows if I am feeling extra fancy!

7. Do you have a quote that makes you smile and why?

This is such a stereotypical yoga teacher quote! But.. “No one is you and that is your super power” I think this is such a powerful line, it is very true and I think once we start to live that then we can become free. If you think of the population of the Earth and there is only one of you.. that really is special.


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